Working with the Ministry of Defence to install an X-Pot Side Stream Filtration.
X-Pots are installed to help prolong and protect the life of closed systems.

Total Environmental Compliance have recently been working at a Ministry of Defence site to install an X-Pot® Side Stream Filtration.
In closed water systems, a build-up of solid material and sludge can affect chemical treatment programmes, causing poor performance and potential blockages. This is all avoidable.
Keep your valves and heat exchangers working efficiently and without corrosion and bacterial growth with our X-Pot® side stream service. Clean systems use less energy to heat/cool systems therefore reducing your energy consumption and bills.
Side Stream Filtration
Side Stream Filtration can be used to help maintain a low concentration of suspended solids in the circulating water following pre-commission cleaning and reduce the risk of solid deposition and under deposit corrosion in areas of low flow.
In addition to the long-term benefits of early installation of side stream filtration, it can also help to maintain water quality during the commissioning period.
Why X-Pot®?
Modern heating and cooling systems are commonly designed with high efficiency heating and cooling water generators. The X-POT ® contains incredibly powerful magnetic filtration along with fine cartridge or bag filtration (X-POT XP). It is designed to tackle commercial systems, from the small to the very large, which include heavy industrial applications.
There is an X-POT® to suit all needs. The patented innovative design characteristics and high-quality production of the X-POT® make installation and ongoing maintenance extremely straightforward and simple.
We offer a complete solution for supply, installation, and service of the X-Pot® side stream filters onto all types of closed system. Helping your organisation conform to the advice from BSRIA in BG29 and BG50.
Click here to read more or get in touch with us on 0151 2579302 to find out more.