
TEL. 0151 2579302

Remote Temperature Monitoring

Switch to remote temperature monitoring for 24/7 compliance data and save money, time and reduce your carbon footprint

  • TickEnhanced compliance
  • TickIncreased intelligence from real-time data
  • TickLabour savings
  • TickSustainability

How does it work?

Icon1 Sensor
A small sensor and discreet
temperature probes are installed
on the pipework. The sensors are
paired with the cloud gateway.
Icon2 Platform
A real-time online platform is
accessible on mobile or desktop
devices providing powerful
insights to all the data gathered.
Icon3 Data
Sensors send temperature data
via the gateway to the cloud via
secure cellular networks.
Icon4 Reports and Alerting
Teams are notified to urgent noncompliances
with email alerts.
Reports are downloadable to be
shared quickly and easily.

Existing methods of temperature monitoring in domestic systems can be unreliable and inconsistent, resulting in:

  • IconEnergy and water wastage
  • IconInefficient use of manpower
  • IconCostly processes
  • IconInaccurate results
  • IconLimited compliance detail

Achieve Total Compliance

Get in touch with us today to discuss all your Legionella, water hygiene and water safety requirements.


“As the festive holidays approach, I just wanted to express my gratitude to Mike Darby (TEC Account Manager) and his team for being so efficient and providing such a robust service. All in all, TEC are an amazing contractor to work with (and I don’t think we say, often enough, when contractors do a great job).”

- Harriet Ginn, Contract Officer Asbestos & Legionella (M&E), Citizen

